๐Ÿ˜…License Shows as Free/Trial plan

For Business Plan Users, the license is assigned by an administrator.

You do not need to do a separate login. Simply use the installation file shared by your administrator to start using totle right away.

Verify Your Subscription Account

Totle offers three (3) login methods:

  1. Totle Account ID/Password Login

  2. Microsoft Account Integration Login

  3. Google Account Integration Login

  • Even if you use the same email address, account integration logins and direct ID/Password logins are recognized as separate accounts.

  • Therefore, if you subscribed using your Microsoft account integration but log in by entering your Microsoft account (Email Login) directly, you will be logged in with Free/Trial Plan.

Login to Your Subscription Account

  • If you see the Free/Trial Plan even though you have purchased a paid subscription, it might be because you subscribed using Microsoft/Google Account Integration. Alternatively, you might have signed up using a Direct Login but are logging in with Account Integration.

  • To resolve this problem:

    • Go to Outlook > totle > Settings > Log Out

    • Log in again using different method (Microsoft/Google Account Integration Method or Direct Login).

Last updated